Sanbot Elf Performance

Sanbot ELF for Medical & Healthcare

Based on Sanbot medical service platform, it aims to provide medical and healthcare services for individuals and families, and helps improve the services, atmosphere and cost of hospitals, community health and nursing homes etc.

Rich and comprehensive health knowledge

Sanbot-ELF can help users to understand and deal with diseases, including the causes of diseases, medications, daily life precautions, etc. for the common diseases by voice. More than 80 thousands questions and answers has been audited and collected to the Sanbot’s health consultation module, the content of the module is continuously being collected, sorted and updated by medical specialist.

Novelty and interesting ways of entertainment

Sanbot-ELF unique posture, action, voice and expression are embodied in fun and interactive capabilities, combining the entertainment, leisure, service applications in APP market, can reduce boredom and dull living atmosphere for more elderly users in families and service organizations.

Professional and convenient medical services

The guidance service can guide the user to register according to the symptoms of different parts flexible and easily. It can be connected with hospital, community health, nursing home and medical platform, so that patients can enjoy online consultation and drug purchase services without leaving home.

Careful and closed supervisory care

Sons and daughters who are out can know the status of home in time by remote video monitoring and reminder type of supervisory care services with medical health section of Sanlink app, so that to set medication reminders, precautions, drinking water, rest and other intimate reminders. Sanbot-ELF also has an emergency call service, providing an extra channel for help in the event of an emergency.

Flexible and open service platform

Sanbot-ELF medical service platform can cooperate with the vast number of hospitals, community health, nursing home and medical care platform. To provide directional guidance, consultation, drug purchase, medical treatment services through customized development and service access. It can provide needed functions such as back-end management, information push, data burial etc. and also can provide valuable data services by sorting, statistics analysis and excavating of desensitization data.

Copyright © Sanbot Innovation Technology., Ltd 2016-2018. All rights reserved

Copyright © Sanbot Innovation Technology., Ltd 2016-2018. All rights reserved